The following formulas for finishes are compiled from various printed sources and discussions. These are not listed in any order of preference and some are used for woodturning and others are listed for furniture.
1. Greg Jensen finishes... 3 types, depending on type of turning project.
A. Mike Mahoney Walnut Oil
B. Danish oil. He uses 4 to 6 coats of Danish oil to bring out the highlights. Water could be used as the lubricant for sanding to the finer grits.
C. Shellac.... 2 lb cut. Shellac Finish......Brings out the best grain enhancement. Sand woodturning to 220 grit. Use 4 to 6 coats and let dry 5 minutes between coats. Brush on first coat and wipe off excess. Let dry 5 minutes. Sand lightly and apply second coat, and 5 minute dry time. Apply no. of coats desired....4 to 6 coats. Use Abralon Sanding Pads from Mirka Corp. He uses 5 inch sanding pads and cuts them into 4 quarters. When last coat is applied, sand with Abralon through the following grits, 500-1000-2000, using mineral oil as the lubricant. Store pads in plastic bags. Let dry for 24 hours and wax and buff with the Beall system.
2. Larry McCardel Finishes Buckeye Woodworkers and Woodturners
A. Lacquer Finish. Campbell brand, located at Hartville Hardware in qts, gallons and spray can. Spray lightly and let dry between coats. First coat is a 50 / 50 mix for a sealer. Spray on 4 to 6 coats. Let dry for 24 hours. Buff on buffing wheel.
B. Danish oil.....Sand project to 320. Apply Danish oil with rag then sand with 400 grit. Apply 2 nd coat of Danish oil and wet sand with 800 grip. Apply 3rd coat and wetsand with 1000 grit. Apply 4th coat and wetsand with 1200 grit. Always sand slurry into wood and wipe dry before moving to next grit. Wax and Buff.
3. Greg Jensen……BWWT and NorthCoast….50% Danish Oil, 50% Deftane [urethane oil], after mixing add 40% mineral spirits. Apply three coats.
4. Jacques Vesery….Friction Finish……2 parts shellac, 1 part oil, 1 part alcohol.
5. Ellis Walentine…..Oil Varnish Blend for furniture….1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part 100% tung oil, 1 part polyurethane……..Use 3 or 4 coats.
6. Ellis Walentine…..French Polish…..1 part shellac, 1 part denatured alcohol, 1 part boiled linseed oil
7. Joe Smith…Northcoast Woodturners….wetsand Danish oil to 320 or 400 grit,..Dry 24 to 48 hrs, Sand to 1200 grit….apply a coat of Minwax wax and then buff.
8. Lothar Baumann…..oil /varnish finish,…..3 parts polyurethane…2 parts boiled linseed oil…2 parts mineral spirits. Use 2 to 3 coats……lightly sand 1st coat with 600 paper
9. Garrett Hack…..wiping varnish….. 1 part polyurethane….1 part boiled linseed oil…1 part turpentine. Apply 3 or 4 coats.
10. Chris Minick…Finish Chemist in Stillwater Minn. ….Danish Oil Mix…. 1 ½ cups mineral spirits, 1 cup brushing varnish [polyurethane]… ¼ cup of linseed oil.
11. Chris Minick……4 oz. Boiled linseed oil….8 oz. Varnish [polyurethane]…5 oz .mineral spirit.
12. Sam Maloof ….famous woodworker in Calif. 1 part satin polyurethane….1 part linseed oil…1 part tung oil.
13. Sam Maloof Finish…..1 cup boiled linseed oil, ..1 cup oil varnish…1 cup mineral spirits. The more oil in the formula results in better wiping properties, but longer drying times and less protection.
14. Bill Lovelace….Southwest Bowls….1. Thin coat of Parks Lacquer[type of sanding sealer]..apply even coats and watch for drips….sand with 0000 steel wool. 2. Use Jasco Tung Oil[polymerized]…5 or 6 coats, …..let first coat dry for 24 hrs., then apply second coat. Use 0000 steel wool between coats.
15. Art Carpenter furniture finish. Pro furniture woodworker since 1948. 1/3 part linseed oil, 1/3 part turpentine, 1/3 part varnish[polyurethane]…..1. Damp cloth and wipe down project to raise grain. 2. Sand to 220 or 320 grit. 3. Wipe one coat of Danish oil and let dry for 24 hrs. 4. Wipe on varnish mixture listed above….12 to 15 coats for table tops…5-7 coats for chairs and legs. 5. Use 0000 steel wool or gray Scotch brand/ Brite pads to smooth out any reflective glare.
16. San Diego Woodturners French Polish….1 part denatured alcohol, 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part clear shellac. Shake bottle to mix ingredients, sand to 320 or 400 grit. Power lathe at slow speed and apply finish with a rag. Sand with fine mesh. Apply next coat until 2 to 4 coats have been applied. Apply paste wax and buff.
17. Bonnie Klein, finish for turnings…..equal parts of shellac, boiled linseed oil and solvent alcohol or Shellac thinner. Apply with rag and buff.
18. David Ellsworth….woodturner. uses a tung oil product called Waterlox. After power sanding to 320 or hand sanding to 600 grit[ he claims equal performance] he soaks the exterior of the piece. If hollow vessel he will not coat the inside. Let soak into wood. As tung oil dries he adds more coats. When both the oil and wood [if turned wet] are both dry, he will buff off the oil residue using tripoli or white diamond buffing compound with wheel spinning at 3500 rpm. The turnings exterior looks like there is no finish at all and leaves a very natural look of the wood.
19. Bob Flexner Finishing specialist. Wiping Varnishes are simply varnishes [including polyurethane] thinned with 2 or 3 parts of mineral spirits or paint thinner. Common commercial names are Formby’s Tung Oil Finish, Gillespie Tung Oil Finish, Hopes Tung Oil Varnish, Jasco Tung Oil, Waterlox Transparent, Val-Oil, McCloskey Tungseal, and Seal-a-cell. You can make any wiping varnish by adding enough mineral spirits to any varnish so it’s easy to apply with a cloth.
20. Bob Flexner. Oil /.Varnish blends such as Danish oil and teak oil are simply a blend of straight oil[linseed oil or tung oil] and varnish. Common names are Watco Danish Oil, Deft Danish Oil, Minwax Antique Oil. You can make your own by mixing one part linseed oil or tung oil with one part of varnish. If mixture is to thick, then thin with mineral spirits.21.
21. Waterlox......1 part polyurethane, 3 parts mineral spirits
22. Oil Varnish.........1 part varnish, 1 part oil [any kind], 1 part mineral spirits
23. Wiping Varnish....15% sanding sealer, 35% gloss lacquer, 50% lacquer thinner
23b. Wiping Varnish #2...2 parts varnish, 3 parts mineral spirits. Quick dry, slow build of film.
24. Danish oil......1 part varnish, 2 parts boiled linseed oil, 3 parts mineral spirits
24b. Danish oil #2... 1 part varnish, 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part mineral spirits. Similar to Watco Danish oil or Minwax Antique Oil.
25.....Friction Polish....1 part denatured alcohol, 1 part shellac, 1 part boiled linseed oil
26. Dale Nish Finish........1. Use full wet coat of lacquer sanding sealer, apply with brush. 2. Let wet coat stay on wood for minute or two and then wipe dry with cloth. 3. When excess lacquer has been removed, turn on lathe and use dry cloth to buff project until it is dry to touch. 4. Apply Danish oil and let soak in for 3 to 5 minutes, then wipe dry. 5. Let first coat dry for 24 hours before applying next coat. 6. Apply 2 to 3 coats of Danish oil and let dry 24 hours between each coat.
27. Wood Magazine...Issue 185, ...Sept. 2008, 3 parts varnish, 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part naphtha. Wipe on finish until saturated. Wipe off excess. Wipe away any oil that bleeds out of pores. Cure for one full day. Lightly sand finish with 320 grit and clean surface. Apply second coat of finish and wipe away excess. Let dry for 24 hours and sand lightly before next coat. Apply 4 or 5 coats.
28. Russ Fairfield Oil / Varnish Finish. Use equal parts of 100% Pure Tung Oil , varnish, and turpentine. Apply several coats with adequate drying time between each coat. If additional percentage of oil is used, it will increase the wiping properties but increase the drying time.
29. Russ Fairfield Wipe On Varnish formula. Use 50% varnish and 50% thinner.
30. Malcom Tibbets........Segmented woodturner from California
A. Use several coats of sanding sealer. Sand between each coat.
B. Use four coats of tung oil / urethane mixture. Rub surfaces with 0000 steel wool between coats.
C. Buff final coat with buffing compound.
D. Small pieces that are subject to lots of handling should get a final coat of Trewax and buff.
31. Alan Lacer....oil/varnish blend.....1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part pure tung oil, 1 part varnish or poly. Use several coats to build a surface.
The following formulas for finishes are compiled from various printed sources and discussions. These are not listed in any order of preference and some are used for woodturning and others are listed for furniture.
1. Greg Jensen finishes... 3 types, depending on type of turning project.
A. Mike Mahoney Walnut Oil
B. Danish oil. He uses 4 to 6 coats of Danish oil to bring out the highlights. Water could be used as the lubricant for sanding to the finer grits.
C. Shellac.... 2 lb cut. Shellac Finish......Brings out the best grain enhancement. Sand woodturning to 220 grit. Use 4 to 6 coats and let dry 5 minutes between coats. Brush on first coat and wipe off excess. Let dry 5 minutes. Sand lightly and apply second coat, and 5 minute dry time. Apply no. of coats desired....4 to 6 coats. Use Abralon Sanding Pads from Mirka Corp. He uses 5 inch sanding pads and cuts them into 4 quarters. When last coat is applied, sand with Abralon through the following grits, 500-1000-2000, using mineral oil as the lubricant. Store pads in plastic bags. Let dry for 24 hours and wax and buff with the Beall system.
2. Larry McCardel Finishes Buckeye Woodworkers and Woodturners
A. Lacquer Finish. Campbell brand, located at Hartville Hardware in qts, gallons and spray can. Spray lightly and let dry between coats. First coat is a 50 / 50 mix for a sealer. Spray on 4 to 6 coats. Let dry for 24 hours. Buff on buffing wheel.
B. Danish oil.....Sand project to 320. Apply Danish oil with rag then sand with 400 grit. Apply 2 nd coat of Danish oil and wet sand with 800 grip. Apply 3rd coat and wetsand with 1000 grit. Apply 4th coat and wetsand with 1200 grit. Always sand slurry into wood and wipe dry before moving to next grit. Wax and Buff.
3. Greg Jensen……BWWT and NorthCoast….50% Danish Oil, 50% Deftane [urethane oil], after mixing add 40% mineral spirits. Apply three coats.
4. Jacques Vesery….Friction Finish……2 parts shellac, 1 part oil, 1 part alcohol.
5. Ellis Walentine…..Oil Varnish Blend for furniture….1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part 100% tung oil, 1 part polyurethane……..Use 3 or 4 coats.
6. Ellis Walentine…..French Polish…..1 part shellac, 1 part denatured alcohol, 1 part boiled linseed oil
7. Joe Smith…Northcoast Woodturners….wetsand Danish oil to 320 or 400 grit,..Dry 24 to 48 hrs, Sand to 1200 grit….apply a coat of Minwax wax and then buff.
8. Lothar Baumann…..oil /varnish finish,…..3 parts polyurethane…2 parts boiled linseed oil…2 parts mineral spirits. Use 2 to 3 coats……lightly sand 1st coat with 600 paper
9. Garrett Hack…..wiping varnish….. 1 part polyurethane….1 part boiled linseed oil…1 part turpentine. Apply 3 or 4 coats.
10. Chris Minick…Finish Chemist in Stillwater Minn. ….Danish Oil Mix…. 1 ½ cups mineral spirits, 1 cup brushing varnish [polyurethane]… ¼ cup of linseed oil.
11. Chris Minick……4 oz. Boiled linseed oil….8 oz. Varnish [polyurethane]…5 oz .mineral spirit.
12. Sam Maloof ….famous woodworker in Calif. 1 part satin polyurethane….1 part linseed oil…1 part tung oil.
13. Sam Maloof Finish…..1 cup boiled linseed oil, ..1 cup oil varnish…1 cup mineral spirits. The more oil in the formula results in better wiping properties, but longer drying times and less protection.
14. Bill Lovelace….Southwest Bowls….1. Thin coat of Parks Lacquer[type of sanding sealer]..apply even coats and watch for drips….sand with 0000 steel wool. 2. Use Jasco Tung Oil[polymerized]…5 or 6 coats, …..let first coat dry for 24 hrs., then apply second coat. Use 0000 steel wool between coats.
15. Art Carpenter furniture finish. Pro furniture woodworker since 1948. 1/3 part linseed oil, 1/3 part turpentine, 1/3 part varnish[polyurethane]…..1. Damp cloth and wipe down project to raise grain. 2. Sand to 220 or 320 grit. 3. Wipe one coat of Danish oil and let dry for 24 hrs. 4. Wipe on varnish mixture listed above….12 to 15 coats for table tops…5-7 coats for chairs and legs. 5. Use 0000 steel wool or gray Scotch brand/ Brite pads to smooth out any reflective glare.
16. San Diego Woodturners French Polish….1 part denatured alcohol, 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part clear shellac. Shake bottle to mix ingredients, sand to 320 or 400 grit. Power lathe at slow speed and apply finish with a rag. Sand with fine mesh. Apply next coat until 2 to 4 coats have been applied. Apply paste wax and buff.
17. Bonnie Klein, finish for turnings…..equal parts of shellac, boiled linseed oil and solvent alcohol or Shellac thinner. Apply with rag and buff.
18. David Ellsworth….woodturner. uses a tung oil product called Waterlox. After power sanding to 320 or hand sanding to 600 grit[ he claims equal performance] he soaks the exterior of the piece. If hollow vessel he will not coat the inside. Let soak into wood. As tung oil dries he adds more coats. When both the oil and wood [if turned wet] are both dry, he will buff off the oil residue using tripoli or white diamond buffing compound with wheel spinning at 3500 rpm. The turnings exterior looks like there is no finish at all and leaves a very natural look of the wood.
19. Bob Flexner Finishing specialist. Wiping Varnishes are simply varnishes [including polyurethane] thinned with 2 or 3 parts of mineral spirits or paint thinner. Common commercial names are Formby’s Tung Oil Finish, Gillespie Tung Oil Finish, Hopes Tung Oil Varnish, Jasco Tung Oil, Waterlox Transparent, Val-Oil, McCloskey Tungseal, and Seal-a-cell. You can make any wiping varnish by adding enough mineral spirits to any varnish so it’s easy to apply with a cloth.
20. Bob Flexner. Oil /.Varnish blends such as Danish oil and teak oil are simply a blend of straight oil[linseed oil or tung oil] and varnish. Common names are Watco Danish Oil, Deft Danish Oil, Minwax Antique Oil. You can make your own by mixing one part linseed oil or tung oil with one part of varnish. If mixture is to thick, then thin with mineral spirits.21.
21. Waterlox......1 part polyurethane, 3 parts mineral spirits
22. Oil Varnish.........1 part varnish, 1 part oil [any kind], 1 part mineral spirits
23. Wiping Varnish....15% sanding sealer, 35% gloss lacquer, 50% lacquer thinner
23b. Wiping Varnish #2...2 parts varnish, 3 parts mineral spirits. Quick dry, slow build of film.
24. Danish oil......1 part varnish, 2 parts boiled linseed oil, 3 parts mineral spirits
24b. Danish oil #2... 1 part varnish, 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part mineral spirits. Similar to Watco Danish oil or Minwax Antique Oil.
25.....Friction Polish....1 part denatured alcohol, 1 part shellac, 1 part boiled linseed oil
26. Dale Nish Finish........1. Use full wet coat of lacquer sanding sealer, apply with brush. 2. Let wet coat stay on wood for minute or two and then wipe dry with cloth. 3. When excess lacquer has been removed, turn on lathe and use dry cloth to buff project until it is dry to touch. 4. Apply Danish oil and let soak in for 3 to 5 minutes, then wipe dry. 5. Let first coat dry for 24 hours before applying next coat. 6. Apply 2 to 3 coats of Danish oil and let dry 24 hours between each coat.
27. Wood Magazine...Issue 185, ...Sept. 2008, 3 parts varnish, 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part naphtha. Wipe on finish until saturated. Wipe off excess. Wipe away any oil that bleeds out of pores. Cure for one full day. Lightly sand finish with 320 grit and clean surface. Apply second coat of finish and wipe away excess. Let dry for 24 hours and sand lightly before next coat. Apply 4 or 5 coats.
28. Russ Fairfield Oil / Varnish Finish. Use equal parts of 100% Pure Tung Oil , varnish, and turpentine. Apply several coats with adequate drying time between each coat. If additional percentage of oil is used, it will increase the wiping properties but increase the drying time.
29. Russ Fairfield Wipe On Varnish formula. Use 50% varnish and 50% thinner.
30. Malcom Tibbets........Segmented woodturner from California
A. Use several coats of sanding sealer. Sand between each coat.
B. Use four coats of tung oil / urethane mixture. Rub surfaces with 0000 steel wool between coats.
C. Buff final coat with buffing compound.
D. Small pieces that are subject to lots of handling should get a final coat of Trewax and buff.
31. Alan Lacer....oil/varnish blend.....1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part pure tung oil, 1 part varnish or poly. Use several coats to build a surface.